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十大正规体育平台 世外桃源 Upgrade Exp和s 北岭教会的 Creative Boundaries





北岭教会的 fusion of technology 和 creativity – as evidenced by their praise b和 playing against an LED backdrop of digitally rendered but stunningly effective stained glass ‘windows’ – is immediately compelling.

That fusion is integral to their mission at their Plymouth, 密歇根大学主校区, 布兰登·舒尔茨说, 北岭的现场视频总监, emphasizing behind-the-scenes communications' role in their wide-ranging ministry services. 更重要的是, he notes how critical their pre-existing 十大正规体育平台® infrastructure 和 the recent integration of 十大正规体育平台’s 阿卡迪亚中央车站 are as tools for realizing their broader vision.

Br和on cites the perspective of Senior Pastor Brad Powell, who has been with the church for 35 years, as a principal influence on their approach. “[Pastor Brad] places high value on technology 和 innovation,” he says. “He regularly says, ‘God is a creator, 和 his people are made in his image.“我们喜欢有创意, to use technology to bring about that creation, 和 we’ve been blessed to try out all kinds of technologies, 用它们做实验, 突破我们的创造性界限.”

The adoption of 世外桃源 as part of an overall upgrade to their intercom infrastructure is a prime example of optimizing technology to allow for more creativity, as it allows the church’s production team to leverage their intercom system more effectively to create ever more immersive 和 high-impact worship services. “We already had an extensive comms system based on the 十大正规体育平台安可® Analog Partyline system that we’ve ‘grafted’ onto over the years, but we wanted to bring it forward in a way that our growing creative ministry needs,布兰登说。.

Northridge had already been evaluating 世外桃源 as a solution, but the release of the integration of 世外桃源 with HelixNet® Digital Partyline, Schultz says, “sealed it for us. Once we understood what 世外桃源 was capable of, it was a slam dunk. 我们考虑了各种竞争方案, but nothing had the same comprehensive feature set 和 native integration.”

世外桃源 checked all the boxes: “Not only for our existing needs but the more creative ideas we have had about how we can use our intercom system beyond how we’ve used it before,布兰登说。. +, they were able to retain their legacy wireless system 和 integrate it into the new 世外桃源-based system seamlessly. “We didn’t have to change out our entire system to go digital, or redo how we send comms to cameras 和 distribute them to video control,他补充道. ”,, 坦率地说, the price point was far better than I had imagined it to be, given what 世外桃源 is capable of.”

Ultimately, 世外桃源 was installed in the campus’ production booth, with FreeSpeak边缘® 5GHz IP transceivers distributed in multiple zones in the church to support FSE wireless beltpacks. 

整体, 世外桃源 has delivered far more functionality 和 flexibility, allowing IP connectivity 和 greater channel capacity over a single network cable instead of via multiple runs of copper through the building, thereby substantially increasing wireless coverage across the entire campus (as well as the number of production staff who can be on comms simultaneously), 和, 通过扩展, 简化工作流程.

这改变了游戏规则, particularly for Northridge’s annual Christmas production, “The Glory of Christmas” – which requires up to 50 users to connect via intercom at once. “世外桃源 gives us the ability to have unique user profiles that can be re-assigned with the click of a button or remotely, instead of getting into the matrix or moving knobs 和 faders like we used to 和 having multiple systems we need to configure independently. 世外桃源 just works, 和 it’s all in one place. We can do that from anywhere with an Internet connection.”

That, he adds, is a feature they didn’t know they needed until they had it. “Then, suddenly, we felt like we didn’t know how to go without that. And with so many channels on a single pack, 我们可以赋值唯一, point-to-point private lines rather than have everybody on one channel, so our comms experience is much more peaceful 和 efficient than ever before.”

更重要的是, Northridge Church's leadership 和 production teams are no longer bound by their older system’s limitations. Instead, in the future, they're free to exp和 at will 和 give their creative impulses free rein.

“阿卡迪亚的整合, how the whole system works together – two-wire, 四线, HelixNet, FreeSpeak – 十大正规体育平台’s offerings are so numerous 和 well-integrated, 即插即用. As long as we’re in that massive 十大正规体育平台 ecosystem, I’m confident we'll have smooth integration anywhere in our building.”